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Associate Spotlights

My Career Journey to Cracking the Code on Cybersecurity

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For Britney, her interest in technology piqued at a very young age when she found a passion for video games and a curiosity to “pull apart” her remote-control cars to see how they were built.

Her family coined her with the nickname, “the fixer”, because she was a problem solver; they could always rely on her to fix whatever was broken. What may have started as a childhood hobby and passion, quickly grew into a stable career in one of the most important fields of technology in our world today: Cybersecurity.

Tech on Deck: Embracing a Cybersecurity Mindset

Cybersecurity changes every day. I’m never bored here and find my role both challenging and rewarding. Fidelity is [...] constantly looking out for emerging threats and ensure we are prepared for it.

Aside from your love of video games and problem solving as a child, what other elements of your background interested you in pursuing a career in technology?

In high school, I took a hardware-based course where we had to build our own computer. I loved that course so much that I knew I wanted to pursue a technology route in undergrad.  I went to college for Computer and Information Systems at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. I loved all the aspects of technology – the challenge, the creative piece (something many people don’t talk about in tech), and that the sky is the limit when working with technology.

What led you to Fidelity?

I attended a career fair at my college. Being one of the best Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s) in the country, we were fortunate to be constantly surrounded by tech companies on campus. I remember how the Fidelity recruiters made me feel seen and that my skill set was truly desired.

I completed two summer internships with Fidelity and then joined the “Fidelity LEAP” program after graduation.  The LEAP program is a learner-centered career development program for students with a technical education.  I made so many great connections during this experience, it only reinforced my decision to continue my career path in technology at Fidelity.

What makes you so passionate about cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. The world of cybercrime is constantly evolving. As data continues to become one of the most valuable assets, we all possess, it also forces us to get innovative with our solutions. The thing I love about cybersecurity is it’s built on trust. To protect someone’s assets, trust must be established. Meaningful connections must be the foundation.

As a Cyberthreat Intelligence Analyst, I am responsible for maintaining a pulse on what emerging threats cybercriminals are cooking up as it pertains to phishing within the financial sector and how it could impact Fidelity. Intel is shared with business leaders and peers that communicates in a clear way what threats we could be facing and how we are prepared to face them. I also listen to these leaders’ concerns. I look at these conversations as a two-way street: I’m preparing them against cyberthreats, but also hearing their concerns and going back to my team to address their worries. All associates are responsible for helping our enterprise stay safe.

Why do you think someone should consider a job opportunity within tech at Fidelity?

I think all technologists should listen to their hearts and minds – and really hone in on what makes you happy. I’m so glad I listened to my heart by pursuing a career in cybersecurity at Fidelity, a field I am truly passionate about. Passion is how I can protect people and help people.

Also, I love the support I have here from my manager. I get that “I can do anything I set my mind to” feeling after speaking with her. The work here is challenging, but I love the responsibility my team puts on me and allows me to bring creative and innovative ideas to the table.

What are some things our associates can do to protect themselves and our company against cybersecurity threats?  

  • Continue to use the many internal resources available to educate yourself on emerging threats/trends. My team produces a Daily Newsletter and a bi-weekly “Cyber-breakfast” presentation that will keep associates informed.
  • Be mindful of your security and privacy settings on social media and networking sites. Often times cybercriminals use these platforms to target their victims. 
  • When possible, enable MFA (multi-factor authentication) protections.
  • Continue reporting any suspicious emails by using the “Report Phishing” button in Outlook (If you see something, say something!)
  • All associates are responsible for helping our enterprise stay safe!

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