Benefits of having a business mentor
There are numerous benefits to having a mentor in the workplace. Having a mentor can provide mentees with:
- Help in goal setting
- Invaluable advice and guidance based on experience
- A safe space to ask questions
- Access to a broader, more seasoned network. This access can turn into real career opportunities.
- A feeling of support and connection
- Increased engagement with their work

When is it time to find a mentor?
The first thing to know about finding a mentor is that it’s never too early in your career to do it.
Brittany, who manages Fidelity’s internal career center, says, “Fundamentally, seeking out a business mentor is about learning and growing. If you’re in a space where you’re open to learning and growing, developing that meaningful relationship out of the gate can be extremely beneficial.”
Signs you’re ready to work with a mentor:
- You’re curious about other roles, and you’re eager to learn and grow
- You have clear goals that you want to achieve
- You feel stuck and want to gain clarity on your next career move
- You want to avoid common career pitfalls
Make sure you’re ready
One caution before jumping into a mentor/mentee relationship is to be sure you have the time to commit to developing the relationship.
Be honest about whether you have the bandwidth to meet on a regular basis with a mentor. As the mentee, you need to be the driving force in the relationship. Brittany says, “One of the most important things we should bear in mind, too, for mentorship is to be the person that is prioritizing this relationship.”