Leverage social media to put yourself in the best light
Social media poses challenges for professionals and job seekers alike. It also provides incredible opportunities if they’re used right.
You can shape the narrative you want to share with the world. On sites like LinkedIn, the largest professional social media platform in the world, you have the opportunity to share expertise and network with people in your desired industry.
Dos and don’ts for professional platforms:
- Do use social media as a learning tool. Listen more than you speak. See what people are talking about in the industry. Notice trends, and when you have something to add, do it!
- Do celebrate other’s achievements. It’s a simple thing to say, “Way to go!” or “Congrats!” when someone in your network shares their accomplishments.
- Do reshare content specific to your industry or your desired industry. Comment on why you shared it or what you found interesting.
- Do ask a genuine question. “What’s the best way to…?” or “I noticed this trend in my industry—what do managers/developers/creatives think?” Show people you’re curious and start a discussion.
- Do let people see that you’re human—even when you’re not having a perfect day. People value authenticity and approachability.
- Do tell people a little about yourself outside of work. LinkedIn has let its hair down a little since the pandemic. You’ll see more personal photos than in the past—favorite places, their furry coworkers, hobbies, etc.
- Don’t overshare personal information. Justin advises doing a “gut check” if you question whether something is too personal to share. Ask a friend to see if you’re being too open.
- Don’t pretend to be something you’re not
- Don’t share things that might reflect poorly on your current company. Not only will that get you in hot water with your current employer, but it’s a huge red flag for potential employers.
- Don’t violate your current employer’s social media policy. (Do check to see what it says!)
- Don’t make connections just to grow your numbers. Especially on LinkedIn, people are looking for connections with substance.
While LinkedIn is the go-to social media platform for professionals, don’t forget about your other social media accounts. Use them strategically to showcase your talents. Keep them “recruiter-friendly” if you regularly share things publicly.